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F! MUSIC: Shayo Cole Ft Honey Drop - Love Me | @FoshoENT_Radio

After the release of Chorus which is still currently enjoying massive airplay nationwide.

Shayo Cole drops another banger titled “Love Me ” which features Sensational Female Act  “Honeydrop“.

Shayo Cole is still only a new face on the scene, but the acceptance of his offerings beat that of most of his peers and the case looks set to continue for this new tune which you can expect to make the rounds on the radio and at lover’s nest across the country.

He has taken his music journey one step up with this new record.

The song was produced, mixed and mastered by Mystylez Beat.

Listen & Download “Shayo Cole Ft HoneyDrop - Love Me”  below:-

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F! MUSIC: Shayo Cole Ft Honey Drop - Love Me | @FoshoENT_Radio F! MUSIC: Shayo Cole Ft Honey Drop - Love Me | @FoshoENT_Radio Reviewed by BOSSDON (HNIC) on 6:44:00 pm Rating: 5

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