F! EDITORIAL: Our Properties Free From Government Acquisition, Land Speculators Encumbrances – Popular Landlady Enterprise Reveals | @FoshoENT_Radio
Landlady Enterprise Limited, a real estate firm, says its properties are free from government acquisition and land speculators encumbrances. Popularly known as Omo Onile in…
Landlady Enterprise Limited, a real estate firm, says its properties are free from government acquisition and land speculators encumbrances.
Popularly known as Omo Onile in South West Nigeria, land speculators have made the lives of land owners hell in different areas.
They charge exorbitant fees, impose outrageous levies not known to law and have also been involved in illegal sale of lands.
In an interview, Sorinola Omolara, Founder/CEO of Landlady Enterprise Limited, said she is motivated by her passion to see people buy genuine and titled lands, and guiding people in making profitable investment decisions.
The business mogul and realtor said she has made over a thousand people land/property owners.
Sorinola said the company has offices around Lagos and Ogun states.
“Our properties are also free from government acquisition and Omo Onile encumbrances. Our industry acumen and experience ensures that favorable financial and legal terms are obtained for prospective/existing clients,” she said.
In 2022, she received an award at the Young Entrepreneurs International Summit as one of the 40 Under 40 CEOs in Nigeria, for her brand.
She is currently working towards developing more estates being among the top 3 trusted real estate firms in Africa. Sorinola is a mother of three. She is inspired by the likes of Ibukun Awosika and David Oyedepo— as she is a devout Christian.
Landlady Enterprises Limited also renders advisory services after doing comparative analysis on key estates in Lagos, Nigeria. They are capable of advising you on making profitable investments.

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